Do(g)nate Now!

Charley Parker, a really good dawg!

1.   Donate Online via PayPal:

(2.5 % is taken off your donation before it comes to Little Pearls)

2.  Do(g)nate Online via Network for Good: 

(This non-profit site gives donors the option to pay the administrative fee, in addition to your donation)

3.   …or send a Check to:

Little Pearls
PO Box 8641
Asheville, North Carolina 28814




Here are the Guidelines for Do(g)nations by/for dogs, especially for posting your listings and dog photos on one of the Do(g)nations webpages we have created:

Financial and in-kind Do(g)nations can be made by you, your dog(s), your family, your child(ren), your business, another animal in your family, etc. You can do(g)nate in memory, in honor or on behalf of any dog, dogs in general, a certain kind of dog, a Dog Star, a person/family, an animal organization, the human/canine connection, wild dogs, etc.

Please send a photo, any links, and exactly what you would like to say to  

If you do(g)nate online and would like your thank-you letter mailed instead of e-mailed, please send your contact information to

CONTRIBUTE NOW is our main donations page, if you would prefer to donate, rather than do(g)nate.