Contribute Now
Little Pearls is a small non-profit with a big vision.
Our funding comes from businesses, organizations, and individuals like you. Your tax-deductible gift helps us produce and share these “tiny films” with the world. Thank You!
There are four ways you can give:
1. Donate Online via PayPal:
2. Donate Online via Network for Good:

(This non-profit site gives donors the option to pay the administrative fee, in addition to your donation)
3. …or send a Check to:
Little Pearls
PO Box 8641
Asheville, North Carolina 28814
If you donate online and would like your thank-you letter mailed instead of e-mailed, please send your contact information to
More Options:
- You can support the creation of new DOG PEARLS via DO(G)NATIONS. Or go directly to DO(G)NATE NOW with Charley here
- Become one of our SPONSORS.
- We are also considering Adopt-a-Pearl and monthly Sustainer programs. Interested?
- You may donate in memory or in honor of someone you love.
- Please let us know of particular businesses, individuals, foundations or organizations who might be a good match for us.
- Volunteer – we’re still very small and need your help!
For details, please contact Linda McLean at 828-658-9097 or
Little Pearls is a one-of-a-kind non-profit, or “community profit”.
There are no roadmaps for this unique work – or even a road.
Through exploration and discovery, we are creating the road by walking it.
We value your help at any point along the way!
“Hope cannot be said to exist, nor can it be said not to exist.
It is just like roads across the earth. For actually the earth had no roads
to begin with, but when many people pass one way, a road is made.”
~ Lu Hsun, China 1921