One week to go!

August 16, 2012

Check out all the food donors and sponsors on our August 23 Celebration page!  Not bad for only two months’ lead time…  Come enjoy the music, the food, the people and the LOVE. Here is our event flyer:

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Come Celebrate with Us: 3 Weeks to Go!

August 2, 2012

Check out our hot-off-the press newsletter for more on this great event.  I am SO excited! This is our current WNC Woman ad, which will be updated for the poster and the Mountain Xpress ad:    

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August 23 Celebration: Shaping Up!

July 28, 2012

This is the ad that will appear in the August issue of WNC Woman.  They were our first committed sponsor for this event, as a media sponsor.  Thank you, WNC Woman! Our poster will be similar to this, with a full list of performers and sponsors.  Stay tuned!  Our Event Page.

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A Celebration, August 23!

July 3, 2012

We’re finally going to have our celebration to benefit Little Pearls, on August 23, 2012 at White Horse Black Mountain! Here is the link to the event webpage.  It will be filled in and look MUCH snazzier when we have our poster: If you live in the Asheville, NC area, I hope you can come!

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Almost-Summer Check-in

June 15, 2012

As you can tell from our most recent e-newsletter, life hasn’t left me with much time to work on Little Pearls lately.  I STILL don’t know how to make use of a blog. Please explore this lovely website, though.  It is FULL of great stuff! Happy Almost-Summer!

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Website is Back Up – YAY!

April 20, 2012

Our website was down for about 10 days.  As of today, it’s back up, though some images are still missing and there may be other little glitches that will take time to find.  Please let us know if you see anything that needs attention and thanks for visiting Little Pearls!

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First update since we went “live”

February 15, 2012

I still don’t know how a blog is supposed to work, so this is just a little note.  This site still needs a lot of work, though Julie Parker, master designer, and I are SO pleased with it so far!  If anything jumps out at you that isn’t working, please let me know. Check out our newsletter links in the dropdown […]

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Welcome to our new, emerging WordPress site!

February 2, 2012

Wonderful, wise web woman Julie Parker of Handwoven Webs has been bugging me for a long time to move our beautiful old website to WordPress.  Our old site had become unwieldy, was very hard to update and had no functionality for interaction with YOU. We have been working hard, out of sight, to transfer everything that needs to be in this new […]

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